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How to add images to custom Pro Report templates

In this help document, we will cover adding images to existing custom Pro Report templates.

For information on creating custom Pro Report templates, please refer to this document:

  1. Upload the images to your MainWP Dashboard via FTP or similar methods, and note their URLs
  2. Navigate to the directory where the custom templates are stored: /wp-content/uploads/mainwp/report-templates/
  3. Download the desired PHP file to your PC and open it in your favorite text editor
  4. In this example, we will add an image above the “Plugins Updates” headline
  5. Locate the line
    <h2><?php echo __( 'Plugins Updates', 'mainwp-pro-reports-extension' ); ?></h2>
    and add the following above it

    <div style="text-align: center;"> <img style="height:50px;" src=""/></div>
    How to add images to custom Pro Report templates 1
  6. Replace the with the URL of your image
  7. Save the PHP file and upload it back to the server to the same directory: /wp-content/uploads/mainwp/report-templates/
  8. Test the changes and repeat the process for other desired locations
    How to add images to custom Pro Report templates 2
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