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Maintenance Extension

MainWP Maintenance Extension allows you to clean your child site’s databases. With just a few clicks, you can easily delete all post revisions, auto drafts, trash posts, spam comments and remove non-essential content from multiple databases at once.

Thatā€™s not all; our intuitive scheduling system will enable you to schedule multiple tasks and have your sites cleaned regularly. The MainWP Plugin will automatically perform maintenance as per your instructions.

Another great feature that this extension provides is Database optimization; with just a click of a button, you can quickly optimize all your child site databases to reduce storage space and increase I/O efficiency.

MaintenanceĀ Features

  1. Delete post revisions
  2. Delete auto-draft posts
  3. Delete trash posts
  4. Delete spam comments
  5. Delete pending comments
  6. Delete trash comments
  7. Delete tags with 0 posts associated
  8. Delete categories with 0 posts associated
  9. Optimize database tables
The ā€œOPTIMIZE TABLEā€ command reorganizes the physical storage of table data and associated index data. This helps to reduce storage space and improve I/O efficiency when accessing your WordPress databaseā€”the exact changes made to each table depending on the storage engine used by that table. Read more…

Important Notes

Before doing any maintenance jobs, we highly recommend creating your child sites databases backup.

Perform Maintenance

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Maintenance page
  3. Go to the MaintenanceĀ tab
  4. Locate the Maintenance Options section
  5. Select tasks that you want to perform
  6. Select wanted child sites
  7. Click the PerformĀ Maintenance button

Schedule Maintenance

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Maintenance page
  3. Go to the Schedules tab and click the Create New Schedule button
  4. Locate the Schedule Options sectionMaintenance Extension 1
    1. Set the Schedule Title
    2. Set the Schedule frequency
  5. Locate the Maintenance Options section
  6. Select tasks that you want to perform
  7. Select wanted child sites
  8. Click the ScheduleĀ Maintenance button

Important Notes

If you want to make sure that WP Cron jobs are regularly triggered on your MainWP Dashboard, you can Authorize theĀ Uptime Robot service and add your dashboard site as a monitor.Ā The Uptime Robot will ping your dashboard site regularly and make sure that all scheduled events are occurring.

Edit Maintenance Schedule

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Maintenance page
  3. Go to the SchedulesĀ tab
  4. Locate the Schedule that you want to edit
  5. Click the Edit buttonMaintenance Extension 2
  6. Locate the Schedule Options option boxMaintenance Extension 1
    1. Set the Schedule Title
    2. Set the Schedule frequency
  7. Locate the Maintenance Options option box
  8. Select tasks that you want to perform
  9. Select wanted child sites
  10. Click the UpdateĀ ScheduleĀ button

Delete Maintenance Schedule

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Maintenance page
  3. Go to the SchedulesĀ tab
  4. Locate the Schedule that you want to Delete
  5. Click the DeleteĀ buttonMaintenance Extension 4

Enable 404 Email Alerts

Feature retired for new users since version 4.1
  1. Login into Your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Maintenance page
  3. Go to the 404 Email Alerts tab
  4. Locate the 404 Email Alerts Settings section
    1. Set the Enable 404 email notifications option to YES
    2. Enter your Notification email address
  5. Select your child sites
  6. Click the Save Settings button
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